How to Pack Food Essentials for Canoe Cruising

It is important to carry one box or chest with the right amount of food supplies and necessary utensils for cooking, so that everything necessary for preparing a meal is easily accessible. For longer cruises, consider doing the following when it comes to the large portion of your food supply:

Selecting the Best Grub Box to Build

The box may be made of wood, tin or galvanized iron. Wood is the least expensive material and it will do the job, as long as it is taken care of, the joining and dove-tailing is done properly, and it is varnished inside and out with shellac or boat varnish. When cost is no objection, a box of either japanned or painted tin or galvanized iron can stand much knocking about without fracture.

Grub Box

Building the Box

The box must be water-tight. Due to varying sizes of canoes and the different amounts of cruise provisions, the box must be built according to your needs and available storage room that you have in the cockpit. Keep in mind that you will be most comfortable if you build a box as large as your space provides. It is important to first determine where you will be storing your box.