Course-specific resources

Searching Professional Writing is a guide to finding examples of technical and professional writing for projects in this course

Genres and Types of Documents is a curated collection of guidance and basic information about genres for college writers

Archive of Workplace Writing Experiences is a collection of interviews and resources about workplace writing in America

General research tools

Mary & Jeff Bell Library. As a TAMUCC student, learning to navigate and use library resources should be on your list. You should be able to find materials both online and in meatspace, understand how database searches work, locate individual articles, navigate journal issues and e-book collections, and know how to get help from librarians—information professionals.

Zotero is a free, open-source reference management tool. Quickly collect citations, manage bibliographies, build a database of research materials, organize and sync files, generate citations and bibliographies according to multiple style guides, and connect to your favorite web browser and word processor.

BrowZine is an app that lets you access and browse e-journals. You can create "bookshelves" to monitor and stay current with particular publications through your TAMUCC library access.

Comp/Rhet/TC-specific resources

CompPile is a searchable inventory of publications in post-secondary composition, rhetoric, technical communciation, and related disciplines

Rhetorlist tracks new books in Rhetoric, Writing Stuides, Composition, Technical Commuication, and related disciplines

Jason Tham's Journals list and Conferences listfor Rhetoric and Technical Commuication (also design, composition, and related disciplines)