Chris Andrews

Notes and Overview for Week 9

ENGL 3301, Fall 2021

Let’s take a break

There are no scheduled readings or assignments for Week 9. Nothing. Nada. Zip. We’ve been hustling and working hard on your fact sheets about writing in your field. It’s midterm season, so this week we’ll take some time to stop, reflect, and catch up on those other classes. Please ignore any scheduled items or due dates that may pop up in Blackboard this week (October 18-22, 2021).


I will post my responses to your fact sheets throughout the week. Since we’re done with this project and moving on to the next one, and because I posted two rounds of feedback on your drafts (where feedback will do the most good), I won’t post a ton of comments on your final draft–just a few things that will be helpful to you going forward.

Take a little time this week to look at the Project 2 description. I’ll talk more about it next week, but you may read and review those materials and start thinking through project ideas.

Looking ahead

Week 10 will be back to business for us as we start on the next module, which will focus our attention on ethics, justice, and professional writing.