Format for your document head section

This page describes a simple, valid format to use in your HTML document heads. The head of an HTML document is not displayed in your web browser when the page loads; it contains metadata, or information about the page, such as a page title, links to stylesheets, or keyword data. The document head is different from a header, which is introductory content on a page: usually elements such as a logo, a first-level heading, and often the main navigation for the site.

For a full explanation of HTML document heads and metadata, please read "What's in the head? Metadata in HTML" at MDN Web Docs.

The document head section of your HTML file must include at least the following:

        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <html lang="en-US">
          <title> Your page title goes here. </title>

After your final paragraph or othe content element tag is closed, be sure to close your body and html tags:
